Tuesday, December 7, 2010

RNC to Elect New Officers in January 2011

Every two years, the Republican National Committee (RNC) elects officers to administer the day to day affairs of the party. The RNC has two principle functions, 1st to raise sufficient funds to meet the needs of it's programs to elect Republicans to office each election cycle, and 2nd, to conduct a Presidential Nominating Convention that will effectively showcase its nominee for President of the United States.

The Utah members of the RNC are David Hansen, Utah Republican Party Chairman; Enid Mickleson, National Committeewoman, and Bruce R. Hough, National Committeeman. January 14th will find us in Washington D.C. voting for the new RNC Chairman along with 165 of our RNC colleagues.

Current Chairman Michael Steele has not indicated if he will run for a second term or not. However, in a straw poll held at last Saturday's Utah Republican Party Central Committee, only one member raised their hand when asked if they would support another term by Steele. Everyone else wanted a change in leadership.

Already announced as candidates for the RNC Chairmanship:

Ann Wagner - Former Ambassador to Luxembourg and Missouri State Republican Party Chairman and campaign manager and activist. Wagner successfully chaired the campaign of Senator Elecdt Roy Blount this year. She also served as Co-Chair of the RNC. http://www.annwagner.com/

Saul Anuzis - Former Michigan State Republican Party Chairman, ran for RNC Chair two years ago and was the 4th to drop off the ballot in a 6 person field. Anuzis is known for his porpensity to "tweet" and is new media savvy. A blue collar teamster upbringing, along with his goatee and Harley Davidson adds to his unique persona. http://www.anuzisforchair.com/

Reince Priebus - Current Chairman of the Wisconsin State Republican Party and RNC General Counsel. Priebus enjoyed perhaps the biggest turnaround from a state with mostly Democrats in State and Federal positions to almost all major seats and both houses of the State Legislature converting to Republican. Priebus is highly credited with these major gains including the "early" retirement of Democrat Senator Russ Feingold.

Other potential candidates contemplating a run include:

Maria Cino - A former deputy at the RNC, appointee to the Commerce Department, former CEO of the 1998 Republican National Convetion, and well connected political operative. Cino is generally thought of as a skilled manager.

Gentry Collins - The most recently former Political Director for the RNC who wrote a scathing letter to the Chairman Steele the day Gentry resigned.

There are a few others who have had their name floated, including Former RNC Chairman Mike Duncan who spent the last two years raising money for the Karl Rove Crossroads political organization.

It should be a very interesting few weeks leading up to the election.

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