Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A Day Late, but then its Never Too Late to Remember

Yesterday we took time to remember the attack on Pearl Harbor and to thank veterans everywhere for their sacrifice. My wife and I visited Pearl Harbor last January and participated in placing a wreath there. I was excited to see they were updating the visitor's center there as it had not been rejuvenated in many years.

I especially enjoyed speaking with the young seamen and women who piloted our boat to and from the memorial. They were young, intelligent, respectful, and from the heartland of America. They were serving out of choice. I am proud of them, those who sacrificed before them and those who sacrifice now. I especially was cognizant of the fact that those who serve in the military have families who love them and worry for them, and some share in the ultimate sacrifice given by a son or daughter.

My prayers and thoughts are with those that serve and those left behind, even if temporarily.

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