Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Hough Family Christmas Greeting and Card

Dear Friends,

Celebrating the holidays are always special for me because it signals a time when my family gathers together in a spirit of love and service.  During this time, many of my friends have celebrated Hanukkah, also known as the Festival of Lights, in commemoration of the rededication of the Holy Temple.  For me and my family, we celebrate the Birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  But I love the idea of rededication
This is a wonderful time for all of us to rededicate ourselves to serving God, serving our neighbors, friends, and family; and especially serving those who are less fortunate than we are. 
It is also a time to rededicate ourselves to being engaged in good causes to better our community, state, nation and the world we live in.  Many people criticize the political process, and there is often much to criticize.  But I hope as the new year emerges we will be invigorated to make a difference by choosing to be involved and by supporting those who share our convictions and beliefs. 
The phrase, "And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” has in the last two centuries been retranslated as " “[O]n earth peace to men of good will.”  This interpretation makes a good case for being men (and women) of good will.  By acting out of good will towards others we will find peace in our lives as a blessing from God.  Peace may be one of God's most precious gifts.  May we act out of good will towards others, whether we agree or disagree with them. 
May God Bless each of you in the coming year. 

All my best from my family to yours, 

Bruce R. Hough
National Committeeman, Utah


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