Wednesday, April 18, 2012

National Committeeman 

Presidential Elector 

Dear Fellow Delegate:
It has been my honor and privilege to represent you, my fellow Utah Republicans, as a member of the Republican National Committee over the past four years.  I am seeking re-election to continue the important work that is necessary to elect a Republican President of the U.S.  I am the father of ten children and next month we will celebrate the birth of our fourteenth grandchild, and the legacy that is being left to them by the federal government and especially the current President is shameful.  I am dedicated to helping Mitt Romney win the Presidency and to help elect enough conservative voices in the Senate and the House to allow us to redirect this country toward a more fiscally responsible path.

What is the job of a National Committee person and what have I done?

Represent Utah Republicans and other members of the RNC –
  • I represent Utah Values, based upon the principles of individual responsibility, limited powers in the federal government, and sovereignty of our state governments.  The founding documents, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, are not mere historical papers.  They are divinely inspired documents that should guide our decisions when passing any law.
  • Founding member of the Conservative Steering Committee of the RNC.
  • Participate actively as members of the Utah Republican Party Executive and Central Committee
  • Represent the state as a National Delegate
Manage the RNC – I am a leader and member of some of the most important RNC committees
  • ·         RNC Executive Committee member, elected – review and recommend on all major contracts, all budgets, and major personnel and policy issues.
  • ·         Ethics Committee Co-Chair – appointed by RNC Chairman – I led the effort to make RNC financial controls and reporting more transparent and more effective.  My recommendations led to a reorganization of the accounting and control systems at the RNC. “Bruce’s leadership has helped the Party to become better managed financially.  He is an invaluable and respected member of the committee where we look to him for his experience, judgment, and knowledge.” Tony Parker, Treasurer – RNC
  • ·         Site Selection Committee member, elected – In reviewing the bid cities, Salt Lake City became a leading candidate to host the Republican National Convention in the future.  I participated in the bid by raising money, hosting the Site Selection Committee, and working closely with the other members of the local bid committee to develop and present the best bid possible.
  • ·         Transition Committee member, - appointed by RNC Chairman.  I proposed to the newly formed fundraising National Finance Committee that a new donor designation be established.  The suggestion was adopted and is now known as the “Eagles 168” and is generating 100’s of thousands of new dollars for the RNC this year. 
 Elect the RNC leadership – I was instrumental in recruiting and helping to manage the election of RNC Chairman Reince Priebus, who incidentally, is doing a spectacular job in raising funds to elect the next president.

Organize and Administer the National Presidential Nominating Convention
  • ·         Executive Committee member, Committee-On-ArrangementsAppointed by RNC Chairman – Responsible for the planning and execution of the Presidential Nominating Convention.
  • ·         Transportation Committee Chairman, Committee-On-ArrangementsAppointed by RNC Chairman – Responsible for representing the RNC with the Host Committee on all Transportation issues; including vetting contractors, reviewing contracts and approving plans.
Assist the State Party Chairman in fundraising – Always volunteering and never refusing to help when asked.  
  • I’ve raised tens of thousands of dollars for the State Party during the past four years. “Bruce is one of the best fundraisers we’ve ever had in the party.”  Dan James, former Utah Republican Party Treasurer.
  • Utah’s RNC members are responsible for their own expenses for traveling and meetings; transportation, lodging and meals, this saves the party money and reduces the amount needed to be raised
How am I Prepared?
  • Experience, former RNC Member as State Party Chairman (1991-1995), National Committeeman (2008 – 2012)
  • Effective fundraiser, raised more than $2m as party chairman, more than 20 years a member of the party’s major donor organization, and as a member of the Romney for President National Finance Committee.
  • Active party participant, for more than 30 years as a member of the state central committee, precinct chairman, legislative chair, county officer, and state and national delegate
  • Successful leadership and management experience, including public/legislative service as a member of the South Jordan City Council; in business as a founder and President of two multimillion dollar businesses that employ hundreds of people in Utah; on the boards of many charitable organizations; serve in my church.
  • I am respected by the other members of the RNC and am considered a thoughtful and credible source for ideas and leadership.  “Being from a smaller state it is amazing how much influence Bruce has on the rest of the committee when it comes to the major decisions.” Shawn Steel, National Committeeman, California
Why do I want to serve? 

It goes back to those ten children and 14 grandchildren.  There is so much at stake during this election, especially for President of the United States.  It will, I believe, set the course for the next generation.  We need to be headed in the right direction and that is not happening, nor will it happen under the current President.  I believe I have done a good job the last four years and believe I can be the most help to the Party and Mitt Romney's bid for President by serving on the RNC; as part of that:
  • To recruit and support men and women of character, with common beliefs and principles, for elected office
  • To raise funds and develop resources to successfully assist those willing to enter the arena of public service
  • To provide management and leadership experience to the state and national party;
  •  improve the presidential nominating process
  • To inject a strong dose of conservative thought to the national party and its platform
  • To persuade others to follow the principles of:
Individual Responsibility; caring for ourselves and family, for the helpless, the weak and the unborn
Proper Role of Government; protecting our rights, not usurping them
Fiscal Conservatism; keeping the size and scope of government in line with its constitutional roles

“Unalienable Rights” and “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” are not simple platitudes; they are inspired words that led men to establish this nation and constitution, still the most important governance document in the world today.

State Delegates elect the National Committeeman this Saturday, April 21, at the South Towne Convention Center, Sandy, Utah.  I am asking for your vote and support.  As Mitt Romney is expected to be the overwhelming choice of the Utah electorate at the State Presidential Primary Election in June, I would also appreciate your vote for "Elector" so that I may cast my vote for Mitt Romney in the Electoral College.  Thanks for all you do,  

Bruce R. Hough
For more information visit: , e-mail me at brhough@gmail.comFollow me on Twitter and Facebook .

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