Sunday, May 17, 2009

Governor Huntsman- Obama's Genius Selection

Say what you wish about Utah's Republican Governor Jon Huntsman, (who enjoys a huge approval rating in Utah despite - or because (?) - his embracing climate change dogma and endorsing civil unions), his selection as U.S. Ambassador to China by Democrat President Barack Obama is pure genius.

Some cynically believe that it will keep Huntsman close, as in, "keep your friends close but your enemies closer", so that his appointment may preclude a presidential challenge in 2012.  (Actually, it might set him up as a more  formidable challenger if not in 2012, then perhaps 2016...).

The truth is... I'm not sure that Obama could have found anyone else comparable to Huntsman's experience, skill, or diplomatic temperament.  He is simply unparalleled in having all the right pieces of the ambassadorial puzzle.  This is not a vanity ambassadorship.  On the contrary, this position may be the most important foreign post there is.  

China holds a lot of U.S. debt.  It is a huge and growing economy with a critical impact on the global economy of which we are an integral part.  Huntsman's experience as the #2 trade secretary with China prior to becoming Governor will be critical experience.

The fact that he speaks Mandarin fluently and has an adorable chinese adopted daughter is all bonus to his being accepted and prospering in his relationships with China.  The fact that he has also served as an Ambassador in the region (Singapore) before is invaluable and will give him credibility with the State Department as well.

The genius of this pick isn't political genius, it is the genius of having the perfect candidate, party label aside, and having the integrity to make the right decision.  The genius is doing the right thing.

1 comment:

  1. Barack Obama is not eligible for the office of the presidency of the United States of America.(Article II Sec 1 U.S. Con.) As the child of a foreigner/temp. sojourner(B.O. Sr.) his citizenship status AT BIRTH was governed by the British Crown.(British Nationality Act 1948) He is NOT a 'natural born citizen' per the req. of OUR Constitution therefore he occupies the position as a(n) usurper, only. Native born does not equal natural born ; the latter is more expansive and includes one's hereditary right---native born involves territorial right. If born in Hawaii(the public has yet to see a long-form/vault version verified birth certificate-the certification of live birth posted on the internet is not such) Mr. Obama would be, at best, a dual-citizen at the time of his birth. With divided/split loyalties & dual allegiances(U.S/Great Brit/Kenya) he cannot & never will qualify as a natural born citizen since the United States gov't would not have had full jurisdiction over him. Please stand up for the rule of law . We live in a Constitutional Republic; NOT a pure democracy/mob rule.
    Barack Obama is not eligible for the office of the presidency of the United States of America.(Article II Sec 1 U.S. Con.) As the child of a foreigner/temp. sojourner(B.O. Sr.) his citizenship status AT BIRTH was governed by the British Crown.(British Nationality Act 1948) He is NOT a 'natural born citizen' per the req. of OUR Constitution therefore he occupies the position as a(n) usurper, only. Native born does not equal natural born ; the latter is more expansive and includes one's hereditary right---native born involves territorial right. If born in Hawaii(the public has yet to see a long-form/vault version verified birth certificate-the certification of live birth posted on the internet is not such) Mr. Obama would be, at best, a dual-citizen at the time of his birth. With divided/split loyalties & dual allegiances(U.S/Great Brit/Kenya) he cannot & never will qualify as a natural born citizen since the United States gov't would not have had full jurisdiction over him. Please stand up for the rule of law . We live in a Constitutional Republic; NOT a pure democracy/mob rule.


Keep it civil...