Monday, March 16, 2009

The Catastrophe that is Global Warming...

Let's face it... the science is settled on this matter... the trouble is whose science? As I've looked at who is saying what on this subject, it has become ever so clear that the doomsayers on this subject (read Al Gore and his minions...) have an agenda other than the good stewardship and caretaking of the planet. Look, I'm a Boy Scout and have always believed and tried to practice good conservation and care for the resources God has granted us. But the hysteria surrounding global warming, uh, wait... its now climate change... (hmmm, do you suppose they changed the name because we are NOT warming?), seems to have more to do with money and power (read control) than with actually making our planet a healthy place to live.

I enjoyed the article linked here, written by one of those scientists who believes that the catastrophe is not to the planet, but to society... I agree with his premise.

Oh yeah, there's alot more where this comes from... alot more credible as well.

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