Saturday, February 14, 2009

Insanity has been defined as doing the same thing over again and expecting a different result...

Yes, the congress (at least the Democrats, with the exception of three Republican Senators that completely lost touch with reality) voted on a 1000 page SPENDING bill that no one had actually read. The rush to pass this begs the question of why would taking two weeks or even two more days make a difference... it wouldn't have. Look at the last "Stimulus" financial bailout that HAD to be passed... It wouldn't have made any difference if they had waited until now... and we could have saved that 700 million as well...

Oh well... Looking at the FDR years didn't really instruct this current crop of Pols very well... We had Hoover/Bush and now FDR/Obama... insanity...


  1. Waiting two days would've helped how?

  2. probably not much... but at least they could have read the thing on a long weekend... if it had been two weeks, there may have been sufficient groundswell to stop or delay it further...


Keep it civil...