Tuesday, February 10, 2009

If You Really Want to Go Crazy...Read Where the Bailout is Going...

Can someone please tell me how can 90% of this stuff create jobs? These people are completely nuts. Look at the Health Care line items... 100 pages of how to Nationalize health care without having a public debate on it... simply do as Daschle suggests... "Attach it to an appropriations bill", or in this case a Bail Out Bill.


Okay, and to make it even more ironic... GM is laying off 20,000 white collar jobs (what were they doing with that many in the first place?) to qualify for bailout money which is supposed to do what? Increase employment? Does anyone besides me see the complete and utter irony of this? Yes, they need to cut costs to be competitive and yes they need to adjust the size of their workforce to be competitive... but all we seem to be doing is throwing good money (which is questionable since we will be borrowing it from the Chinese) after bad money (which was only bad because we spent it incorrectly in the first place!)

Anyone allowed to vote on this bill should be tested on Economics 101. If they fail... they don't get to vote. Oh, yeah, and if they haven't run a business or had to make a payroll, they don't get to vote. Hmmm, we might not have a quorum... which is just fine with me... I think congress needs to raise their right hand, take the hippocratic (and maybe the hypocritical) oath to first "Do No Harm". Sometimes, taking a deep breath and waiting is the best decision. I don't think another week or two is going to make a bit of difference. On the contrary it might instill confidence in the electorate that our leaders are actually READING the bill before they vote on it! And as important, it might instill confidence in the market and private sector that our representatives aren't willing to just throw money at a problem. Heck, if we did that in the private sector we'd all be out of jobs...

Come on folks, think before you act and don't react to the popularity of a new president who, by the way, did not get a mandate... just a simple majority... and a slim one at that...

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