Saturday, January 31, 2009

Michael Steele - New RNC Chairman

It was high drama during the election of the new Republican National Committee Chairman.  Originally 7 candidates, whittled down to five before the start of the vote.  The first to drop out of the race was actually the high vote getter in the 1st round of voting, incumbent Mike Duncan.  
Second to drop out was Ken Blackwell reached his highwater mark on the first ballot as well.  Surprisingly, he endorsed Michael Steele.  I say surprisingly because some of the supporters of Blackwell had been critical that Steele may be more moderate than they desired. (an assertion that wasn't really supportable).  

Anuzis hung on though he really made no movement either up or down and stayed in the 20 vote range... when he went out it was down to Steele and Dawson.  Steele needed 6 votes to win and Dawson needed 16 votes to win... it could have gone either way...

Check out Steele's bio below...

National Committeewoman Enid Micklesen and Stan Lockhart, State Party Chairman and I spent considerable time listening to the candidates over the last 60 days and consulting with many of you in the state and elsewhere to figure out who the best candidate was.  Ultimately we were united in our belief that Michael Steele was the one to support and continue to support as long as he had a chance to prevail... 

We are proud to say we picked correctly... We are also proud to say that the other candidates were outstanding and that we are blessed to have a cadre of such dedicated and inspiring leadership in the party.

I'll post more later, when I get off the road...

In the end... Steele pulled it out and will now be the voice, face, and leadership of the National Party.


  1. Thanks for the post and the representation.

  2. Thank you for keeping us informed. I listened to you and Enid on the air and heard Stan speak about this issue on Tuesday the 27th. Thank you to all 3 of you for representing Utah with such sincerity and researching your decision in such depth.

  3. Bruce Good choice for RNC Chair. Did you get the Western representative post you wanted


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