Sunday, September 7, 2008

Random Photos from the Convention

Congressman Rob Bishop, breakfast host and speaking about the need for energy legislation that actuallyallows us to obtain the energy within the boundaries of our sovereign nation.
Todd Weiler, GOP Vice Chair sits down with Chris Vanocur and below, the Brambles and the Valentines mug for the camera...

Ted Heap and Howard Headlee, (Ted is running for State School Board and Howard is head of the Utah Bankers Association and a Charter School in Draper) two friends that sing in a quartet together... yes, Ted sings bass and Howard sings tenor... Look for their Christmas CD...

POW and Medal of Honor winner spoke to us at breakfast as well...

Steve Lockhart, Chairman Lockharts incorrigible son...'er delightful son who managed to score some great experiences for a 6th grader....

Okay, are the dimples for real? Jason Chaffetz, candidate, or may I say presumptive Congressman from the 3rd District, UT... He made the rounds and rounds and rounds and rounds and rounds and etc... in the Twin Cities... the center of the Republican political universe during the convention.

Stan and his son Steve from the Chairman's Suite looking down on the festivities below... for once the "cheap" seats way up high were actually some of the best seats in contrast to our floor seats...
Chairman Stan, deer in the headlights look and all, is just grateful the convention is over and he can stop worrying about if the delegates and guests are getting fed, transported, entertained, informed, included and having fun... time for some much deserved rest.

Standing on chairs and looking at the jumbotron was the best way to see what was actually going on... so why is Paul Rogers looking at me and everyone else is looking at the Jumbotron?

Group Photo of the Herberts, Headlee and Lavar, among others.
Enid enjoying the confettie and balloon drop....
More of the delegation...looking confused?

just another shot of the delegation doing what they do best... looking forward....
The Bridgewaters, the Valentines and a Hawaiian guy...

A Good look as to how far we were from the actual stage.

CNN was right next to our delegation, at least MSNBC was to the far left, heh heh, pun intended, so far left in fact they were to the left of Al Jazheera... its true, I'm not making this up! Anderson Cooper is looking for something, maybe a clue? Sorry, I actually think he does a pretty decent job for being on CNN. In fact, I'd like to be him when I grow up.
Me out front of the Xcel Center, just to prove that this is where I was during this last week and a half... wow... seems like forever!
Doug Wright, KSL Radio, Enid Greene Mickleson, and me... nice plaid Bruce.

1 comment:

  1. you got some great pics...and i had to lift some of them for myself..hope that's ok.
    loved your convention overview.
    i can't believe you missed Sara Palins speech!
    at least you got in some quality time with the daughter, though.
    it was all so much fun and great to meet you.


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