Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Off to the Land of 10,000 Lakes...

Minnesota actually has 12,000 lakes, three-fourths of which are 10 acres or more in size year round. The world's third largest river, the Mississippi, begins its 2,552-mile journey at Lake Itasca in northern Minnesota. Here is a curious fact: Minnesota's waters flow outward in three directions: north to Hudson Bay in Canada, east to the Atlantic Ocean, and south to the Gulf of Mexico.

I'm leaving this evening for Minneapolis-St. Paul to begin a week of political chaos... interesting, productive and fun chaos, but chaos nevertheless. Whenever you have thousands of people showing up for the same event in a limited space; all with strongly held preconceived political views, it will undoubtably be chaotic...and that's just the media! In addition, there will be thousands of delegates who will no doubt pretty much behave themselves but become exhuberant over the prospect of being on national television... I won't be wearing any hats... sorry.

I'll be attending the Republican National Committee summer meeting tomorrow as its newest member and later in the day and on Friday I'll be participating in the Rules Committee of the RNC and the Convention. The big agenda item is of course how to organize Presidential Primaries to hopefully improve the process. I expect this to be a fairly rousing debate. I'd love to hear your feedback on this subject.

I'll be updating daily during the convention... stay tuned.

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