Saturday, May 3, 2008

Salt Lake County Convention - May 3

Salt Lake is the biggest county in the state population wise... and so, it pretty much had the biggest convention in the state as well. Held at the South Towne Convention Center in Sandy it was a nice precursor of things to come at the State Convention in Orem next week.

County conventions are such great gatherings because delegates oft times have significant influence in the outcome of races; such as who will go to a primary or who will garner 60% of the delegate votes. Hey, and once again, just like Utah County, you had legislative races decided by one or just a few votes. EVERY VOTE DOES COUNT!!!

Thanks to Chairman James Evans for letting the statewide candidates speak even if it was at the very end (which is perfectly fine, since it is a COUNTY convention!).

Salt Lake County not only had the biggest gathering... (though Davis was probably right in there numbers wise), but it also had the longest... final business didn't conclude until after 3:30 pm and many of the delegates had been there since 9 am. Congratulations to those who participated and especially those who stuck it out to the very end.

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